
The Lodge

Our People

Our Promise Keepers

Rann Riders business is about delighting guests with our hospitality. Our guests come to us with expectations, and keeping up with these expectations and fulfilling them is the task of our team. We have an empowered team led by charismatic leaders who lead by example.

The team members have been trained in hospitality best practices to serve and serve well.

Rann Riders team has naturalists who are knowledgeable about the flora and fauna in the locality and are experts in locating and identifying them during safaris.

We have a culinary team adept at different cuisines and always willing to serve something special to our guests - local or international fare. Our people are always at hand and willing to fulfil every reasonable demand of our guests.

Guests are our roving ambassadors, representing us when they speak about us to their friends and family. Our team is schooled to believe that good service is the currency to earn goodwill, and we go out of our way to earn it.

Our Owner & Promoter

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Once the Estate of Dasada belonged to us,
now we belong to it

Muzahid Malik, our promoter and owner, is a descendant of the ancient clan that once ruled this land. Over the generations, the land, its flora and fauna and its various changing topography have fascinated the Maliks, and it has driven them to explore and become experts in everything local, from its legends and its lore to handicrafts, from nature to animals and birds as well as its seasons.

Muzahid Malik is a treasure trove of knowledge about Dasada and the Little Rann. He loves to share his knowledge with the guests at Rann Riders.

Dasada & the Maliks

A centuries-old relationship of mutual concern and respect

Many centuries ago, the Dasada area had a Talukdar from the Multani Malek race. The Multani Maleks traced their origins from the Multani Olia (saint) Khawja Baudin Zakaria is often called Bahawal Haq Multan.

Nasrudin, one of the descendants of this Olia, set out on a pilgrimage to Mecca in the middle of the thirtieth thirteenth century. Malek Bakhan, the son of Nasiruddin, ingratiated himself with the King of Ahmedabad, who took him under his patronage. In time, he deputed Malek Bhukan to put down a notorious outlaw named Raw Rattan. Malek took on the challenge and was successful in his mission. The King was pleased and rewarded Malek Bhukan with the Estate of Dasada.

Today, several centuries later, the times have changed, as has the administrative setup of the land. But what remains inviolate and unshakable is the Malek family's love of the land and people.

Muzahid Malik, the Owner of Rann Riders, is a descendant of this family, and he, like his forefathers before him, continues to invest his passion for the betterment of Dasada and its people. He maintains the centuries-old relationships with the communities of Dasada and its surroundings.

People often say nobody knows Dasada and its people, crafts, culture, and wildlife better than he does.

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